Hello, my name is Bobby. Welcome to my Dev Blog

I am a professional DevOps Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the internet industry. I am an avid Linux lover and supporter of the open-source movement philosophy.

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Introduction Signed routes allow you to create routes accessible only when a signature is passed as a GET parameter. This could be used for sharing a preview of a draft article or any other route that you want to be public but only accessible by peop...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction Response macros allow you to create a custom response which you could later on re-use in different routes and controllers. This is quite beneficial in order to reduce code duplication. You could actually built macros for other Laravel co...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction In some cases, when you have too many Controllers in your Laravel project, your app/Http/Controllers directory might get cluttered with too many Controllers. To keep things more organized, you could use custom Laravel namespaces to store...

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Bobby Iliev
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💡 Introduction to Git and GitHub This is an open-source introduction to Git and GitHub guide that will help you learn the basics of version control and start using Git for your SysOps, DevOps, and Dev projects. No matter if you are a DevOps/SysOps en...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction It would be really intimidating if you had to start from scratch and reinvent the wheel every time you were to start a new project. Luckily in 2021 there is a vast number of brilliant PHP frameworks out there that you can use. In my opin...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction Laravel comes with many convenient tools out of the box, which makes your life as a developer much more enjoyable. One of the best Laravel features is the database migrations which essentially allow you to version control your database! ...

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Bobby Iliev
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I would be running the commands on a Digital Ocean droplet running Ubuntu 18.04. Prerequisites If you don't have a DigitalOcean account yet, you can sign up for DigitalOcean and get $100 free credit via this link: digitalocean.com Before we get start...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction If you are getting started with programming, there are countless articles with ideas for projects that you could build, but not that many project ideas for purely Ops-related roles. For anyone who is getting started with Linux and wants ...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction The Eloquent ORM included with Laravel provides you with an easy way of interacting with your database. This simplifies all CRUD (Create, read, update, and delete) operations and any other database queries. When troubleshooting problems ...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction In some cases, you might want to reset the password for your Laravel user quickly. Another reason might be that you could be having problems with your emails, and the reset password email is not being delivered. However, unlike WordPress...

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Bobby Iliev
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