Hello, my name is Bobby. Welcome to my Dev Blog

I am a professional DevOps Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the internet industry. I am an avid Linux lover and supporter of the open-source movement philosophy.

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Introduction This is a self-contained demo of FastAPI and Materialize. This demo project contains the following components: FastAPI: A fast, modern, and feature-rich framework for building APIs with Python. Redpanda: Kafka® compatible event stream...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction Redpanda is a Kafka-compatible event stream platform written in C++. It comes with a simple command-line interface called rpk that lets you interact with the platform. In this tutorial, we will be using the rpk command-line interface to ...

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Bobby Iliev
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What is new in Laravel 9


Introduction Laravel is a PHP framework for web development. It was created by Taylor Otwell and was initially released as an open-source project in June 2011. Since its initial release, Laravel has grown to become one of the most popular PHP web fra...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction Laravel was created by Taylor Otwell and was initially released in June 2011. It is an open-source PHP framework that is used to build web applications. It is without a doubt the most popular PHP framework and even one of the most popula...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction There are several ways to handle data in a microservice architecture, in this article we will cover the approach of having a separate database for each microservice. Prerequisites This article will build upon the concepts covered in the ...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction Materialize is a streaming database that takes data coming from different sources like Kafka, PostgreSQL, S3 buckets, and more and allows users to write views that aggregate/materialize that data and let you query those views using pure ...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction Event streams provide you with a way to send events to the client without having to reload the page. This is useful for things like updating the user interface in real-time changes are made to the database. Unlike traditional Long-pollin...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction This is a self-contained demo using Materialize to process data IoT devices data directly from a PostgreSQL server. The demo builds up on the How to build AdonisJS API to store your Raspberry Pi Temperature tutorial. The data is generate...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction This is a self-contained demo using Materialize. This demo shows you how to use dbt together with Materialize. For this demo, we are going to monitor the reviews left by users on a demo website, and use dbt to model our business logic, l...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction I have a few Raspberry Pi devices at home and I wanted to be able to collect the data from their temperature sensors on a regular interval and store that data in a Postgres database. Later on, I could use that data for some analytics tog...

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Bobby Iliev
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