Hello, my name is Bobby. Welcome to my Dev Blog

I am a professional DevOps Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the internet industry. I am an avid Linux lover and supporter of the open-source movement philosophy.

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When designing forms with Tailwind CSS, you might want to remove the default arrows (also known as spinners) from number input fields. These arrows can interfere with custom designs and are challenging to style consistently across different browsers....

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Bobby Iliev
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Hey there developers! 👋 Today, we're diving into a Tailwind CSS trick! We'll explore how to make a parent div control the styling of its child elements on hover and active states. Let's jump right in! The Problem You've probably encountered situation...

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Bobby Iliev
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In this tutorial, we'll explore how to target and style the direct children of a div using Tailwind CSS v3's powerful arbitrary value syntax. This feature allows for more flexible and precise styling, especially when dealing with nested layouts. The ...

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Bobby Iliev
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Vertical alignment can often be a challenge in web design, but with Tailwind CSS, you can easily align elements in the center of the screen. This quick guide will walk you through the steps to vertically align content within a full-screen div using T...

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Bobby Iliev
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Hello everyone! When you're working with Bash scripts, it's often useful to know the directory where the script itself resides. This can be essential for referencing relative paths, ensuring the script works correctly regardless of where it is execut...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction This tutorial will guide you through the process of running Laravel Wave using Laravel Sail, a light-weight command-line interface for managing Dockerized Laravel applications. This tutorial is perfect for those who prefer a Docker-based...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction Hello to all passionate learners, tech enthusiasts, and budding system administrators! I'm thrilled to announce the release of my latest eBook: "Introduction to Linux". After months of dedicated research, writing, and refining,...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction Hey folks, I'm super stoked to announce my brand-new eBook: "Introduction to Terraform: From Zero to Hero". This project is something I'm genuinely excited about, born from countless late-night coding sessions and my growing fa...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction DigitalOcean Spaces is an object storage service that allows you to store and serve large amounts of data. It is a reliable and flexible solution for developers, especially when integrated with Laravel Voyager - a Laravel package that pr...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction When your application or website starts to receive more traffic, you'll need to think about how to scale your database to handle the additional load. There are two main ways to scale a database: vertically and horizontally. Let's dive in...

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Bobby Iliev
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