Hello, my name is Bobby. Welcome to my Dev Blog

I am a professional DevOps Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the internet industry. I am an avid Linux lover and supporter of the open-source movement philosophy.

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Introduction In case that you are posting content on DevDojo or if you are using the DevBlog feature on the DevDojo site, you might want to cross-post your content on other platforms like DEV.to. Having to do this manually would be a time consuming a...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction Probably everyone that uses a Linux OS is familiar with what nano is. But if you aren't aware, don't worry. Nano is a Unix and Linux operating system command line text editor. What this means is that this is essentially a text editor bui...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction The $this keyword is one of the most important and helpful things in PHP OOP(Object Oriented Programming). And unfortunately, it's one of those things that get overlooked. Many people may have heard of this keyword but don't know how to ...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction Laravel provides a wrapper for the Guzzle HTTP client. It allows you to quickly make HTTP requests to communicate with external APIs. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Laravel HTTP Client, and consume an external API and st...

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Bobby Iliev
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What I learned during 2020


Introduction 2020 was an extraordinary year. For some, it was a terrible year, for others, it was a fantastic year. Personally, for me, it was a bit of both. The stuff I learned this year about myself really helped me grow and taught me so many valua...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction The Laravel Migrations allow you to manage your database structure by creating new tables and columns. The Laravel migrations are like version control for your database. In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a new column to an exis...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction One of the cool things about using Chrome as your default browser is all the extensions you can use. Google Chrome extensions are programs created by different developers that change your browser's functionality. Whether you are a Web De...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction The Eloquent ORM included with Laravel provides you with an easy way of interacting with your database. This simplifies all CRUD (Create, read, update, and delete) operations and any other database queries. In this tutorial, you will lea...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction The Eloquent ORM included with Laravel provides you with an easy way of interacting with your database. This simplifies all CRUD (Create, read, update, and delete) operations and any other database queries. In this tutorial, you will lea...

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Bobby Iliev
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Introduction Laravel is a fantastic open-source PHP framework that is designed to develop web applications following the model-view-controller scheme. And now here comes Laravel Sail. Laravel Sail was just recently released, and it is a light-weight ...

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Bobby Iliev
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